"I worked with Michelle in her 1:1 coaching program for 6 months. I am so blessed to have somehow found her on Instagram and I initially took a leap and joined one of her free masterclass workshops. In this workshop, I was introduced to the energy work that she so brilliantly does. It completely blew me away; I knew I needed more of this to take my healing to the next level.
I had been single for quite awhile, after a string of scant, unsatisfying, and anxiety-provoking relationships/situationships, I knew I was stuck. I came into the program wanting to heal from some past traumas that I could feel were holding me back from experiencing soul-level partnership, and soul level love for MYSELF. I just didn't know what to do about it. I was also hopeful I might maybe find a partner in this process!
First, Michelle supported me in finding myself. Her authenticity, honesty, and love allowed me to feel safe and cradled in such a powerful container. She was consistent and inspiring, ALWAYS. I feel emotions coming up now writing this for you to read. I hate crying in front of people, but before I knew it, our session would start and the tears would just start to flow. What a RELIEF to be supported and seen and safe to be me, with all my flaws and limitations. She's not only a coach, but a licensed therapist, and I believe that adds so much dimension to her programs.
Through this program, I was able to heal my Father Wound and release some major energy blockages from my childhood and younger years. I came into the program believing with my whole body and spirit that "All men are unsafe." After doing energy work with her, something clicked in me one day and I made the decision to start dating. I have now been in a relationship for about 4 months, and it is the healthiest, most loving partnership I have ever experienced. With a MAN. I met him after two days on bumble, WHAT?! This is not possible without working my butt off in Michelle's program. She helped me move through triggers as they arose in the very beginning of the relationship, with understanding and compassion. Those limiting beliefs I had about men, love, myself, my capabilities, are severely diminished, if not gone. I am presently able to show up in romantic partnership and love a man in a way that feels immense and abundant, rather than fearful and scarce. I am also much better able to receive this love. I'm so grateful I jumped into the unknown waters head first. Michelle was right there to grab me and hand me a life jacket, and she held my hand until I could learn to float on my own. Her program is a tour de force. If you are unsure if you want to work with her or not, I suggest just jumping in and doing it."
-Laura, 31, Licensed Therapist

Laura's update: Laura got engaged to her fiancé, Zach (the man described above! 😍) in November 2024! They met on Bumble in 2021, and they are moving to Colorado to build a life together.
Client Stories
“My business was my baby, and so much of my focus had been building my business. Once I created a successful business, I wondered about the other parts of my life that I wanted just as much success with, including my relationships and finding a romantic partner. I started working with Michelle because I realized I didn’t know how to find someone! I’m SO glad I jumped into Soul Level Love, because it was the PERFECT for me. She covered step-by-step from the beginning what healthy relationships are and how to find them. Michelle helps you feel comfortable and confident in being able to do that. While we were in this magical container, there’ were leaps and bounds with my insight on my past patterns that were keeping me stuck (I realized some of my past relationships were toxic!), and I felt SO much relief from the pressure I was putting on myself to find someone. Now I feel like I can have so much more fun with dating! If you have a past of being in unhappy relationships, I highly recommend Soul Level Love. Michelle is AMAZING at holding a container, calling in incredible women, and making us feel safe and comfortable around a topic that can feel embarrassing in some ways. I felt SO connected to the other women throughout the program. If you’re on the fence, just do it! I would have paid 5x what I paid for the shifts and results I felt from this program, and I’m SO glad I did it!”
Diane, Business Owner, 40
“Joining Soul Level Love was quite possibly the most important decision I made in my 20’s. When I first started considering Soul Level Love, I had done 1:1 sessions with therapists for years, and read ALL the relationship + self help books. I felt really close to being my best self I could be and healing my past, but I wasn’t quite sure what was the last step to take to clear the space for a partner to come into my life. I remember saying to Michelle that I was afraid to join, because everything in my life was going so well, and I was afraid that “digging up the past” was going to ruin that! I couldn’t have been more wrong. As soon as I said YES to myself and Soul Level Love, everything in my life started to shift and has only gone on the up and up ever since. There was something about going inward with myself and having this community of women that helped me feel so safe and seen. It was indescribable and worth any amount of money I could have paid. I was worried about the financial piece, but I knew that what I would gain in return was worth far beyond money — and I can happily say that’s true! If you’re ready to live your best life, become your best self, and work through EVERYTHING you ever needed to work through to call in your soul level love (starting with yourself!), then I HIGHLY recommend joining Soul Level Love, and I can’t wait to see how your life changes from it!”
- Riannan, 27, Wedding Planner

Update: Riannan met her now fiancé, Aaron, at a bar, and they are engaged and getting married on 4/4/2024!
Soul Level Love and working with Michelle even previously 1-1 was a really great experience, support, and way to really get to dive deeper into my history of my childhood, past relationships and even just my general mindset about dating. One of the things that stood out to me about Michelle was that she really understood how things are in the dating world, she experienced her own struggles with dating and she was also a child of immigrants who could also put context into cultural norms and expectations.
It was really easy to be open and honest with Michelle. She's also super organized and always on top of her therapist game by providing great tools, recommendations and resources. Soul Level Love itself was a really great way for me to connect with other amazing badass independent women who were also in a similar boat as me and had been going through the same motions of dating. I really felt that our group connected really well and everyone was super sweet and kind. We all held space for one another and continue to stay in touch while keeping each other updated on not only our dating lives but other important things happening to us.
Through working with Michelle and being part of Soul Level love I've gained a better mindset overall about dating and that's not to say i still don't falter back to some of my old views but I am really more aware and mindful. I also felt like I got to understand myself better and how to also maintain certain boundaries especially when it comes to family and societal pressures. Overall, my experience with Michelle and the Soul Level Love journey has been one that's added a positive impact on my life.
-Sana, 32, School Counselor
“Working with Michelle in her Soul Level Love coaching program was easily one of the best decisions I could have made for myself this past year. After taking a very long break from dating and working on myself as much as I could by myself, I didn't know how to get back into it, and was especially worried to fall back into the same bad patterns that plagued my dating life before. Michelle not only helped me work through so many of my dating blocks and beliefs about myself, but she made sure throughout the entire program that I felt safe and supported. She never pressured me to do something I wasn't ready for and, while she had her general plan for the program, she made sure to tailor it to where I was in my growth, which really allowed me to take the time I needed to become more confident and ready to date again. After finishing the program, I feel much more capable of leaning into my desires not only in dating, but in my whole life. I know that what I am looking for in a partner is out there and I can and will find him. Michelle provided me with the tools and insights I needed to spot red flags and know who isn't right for me, to be in tune with my desires and confidently ask for them to be met, to deal with conflict in a healthy way, and to show up differently in dating so that I exude the confidence I am looking for in a partner.”
- Lauren, 26, Educator
“Working with Michelle is exactly what I needed in my healing journey. In our group, I found a connection and sisterhood with other women who I never would have met or connected with outside of this program. I was able to share my vulnerabilities and triumphs in a welcoming and supportive group – which had previously been difficult for me. I got an opportunity to grow within myself which made my relationship even stronger. The program is not only filled with amazing information and support from Michelle, it is a container filled with potential for growth, healing, connection and empowerment. I wouldn’t be where I am today without this program, and I am forever grateful to Michelle for creating this powerful program.”
-Lainie, 26, Licensed Therapist
"Michelle's content on Instagram resonated so deeply that she was an instant 'must follow' for me. Her deep understanding and thoughtful insights are beneficial for anyone looking for a new approach to modern dating. Plus, the coaching is taught in Michelle's unique way - her exuberance for the topic is unmatched. I joined Soul Level Love to further explore the concepts she presents on social media and was blown away by the high quality of content which included cognitive science, somatic practices, her years of expertise and actionable steps to break out of old habits and fears. I came to SLL hoping for a new approach to dating which was absolutely fulfilled. The group dynamic was a safe and fun setting to explore and ask questions. I experienced a lot of 'aha' moments throughout my weeks with Michelle and the best part is knowing that my new self-awareness will never leave me. I'm so grateful for the confidence, camaraderie, and new perspective I gained from SLL. Forever thankful to Michelle and our amazing group for their unwavering support and energy."
Taryn, 40, Human Resources
"I was called into the program by Michelle’s uplifting Instagram content and down-to-earth personality. Working with Michelle, I experienced a more hopeful mindset to how I perceive online dating, as well as the feeling that I’m not alone in this pursuit. Externally, I am able to approach my days with more wonder and possibility as opposed to the feelings of monotony that can often accompany modern adulthood. As a result of my experience in the Soul Level Love, I have more hope that modern dating is not a fruitless effort or a waste of time. Furthermore, I fully believe that my person exists and every time I put myself out there I am getting closer and closer to calling them into my life. Through working with Michelle I have gained more confidence in the life choices I have made seeing that I am decisive, driven, and know what I want in life. Michelle shows me that there is a place for all the modern theories of relationships, male/female dynamics, yet they are not the so-called “be all and end all.” I would definitely recommend working with Michelle if you are looking for a serious relationship and want a coach that is genuine, positive, and encouraging."
Ann, 31, Hospital Social Worker
"For such a long time, I felt like work took up so much of my time, patience, and energy. I always said that was the reason I never had time for a relationship, but the truth was that it was an excuse. Putting myself out there seemed like such a daunting task, and I felt so unsure of myself. Needing a boost, I hopped on the Soul Level Love train, and it was life-changing. Michelle has relationship coaching down to a science. She is so motivating, and really encourages you to look at situations so differently. I felt such a shift in perception, and as a result, am finding it a lot easier to put myself out there, dating and otherwise. I would 100% recommend Soul Level Love to anyone who is looking to know themselves more deeply--you will be open to so many possibilities that come your way!"
Allie B., 33, Educator
I was having the perfect storm of modern dating - messaging a guy I met on an app, talking to a friend of a friend, and inadvertently flirting with the guy at Starbucks. Sounds great, right? WRONG. I was swiping on people that I thought would want to date me instead of people I wanted to date, and in the process was really selling myself short. I thought I needed to practice going on dates so I went to dinner with a guy with whom I had a mutual friend knowing I wasn't attracted to him. And I was getting daily hugs and lingering touches from the guy that poured my mid-morning coffee, and though he was sweet I found the interactions more uncomfortable than anything else. All three experiences left me feeling pretty down on myself and like modern dating just wasn't for me. I reached out to a friend who recommended Michelle and after our first phone consultation I knew I had found the resources and support I was looking for. Not only did Michelle's work focus on dating in the "modern era" but she worked with millennials and working professionals like me!
Through my three months working with Michelle I noticed changes in my approach to dating and realized that I was at a healthier and happier point in my life than that perfect storm made it seem. The most common advice that I heard from people was to swipe on everyone and give anyone a chance. I was told I was too picky and needed to step outside the box. Working with Michelle made me realize that looking at everyone wasn't going to help me find my someone. And setting boundaries wasn't picky, it meant I knew what I was looking for and what I wasn't. I was looking for my forever and someone whose values didn't line up with mine wasn't going to make the cut, and that was okay.
The other revelation I had was when I realized I want a partner but I don't need a partner to make me happy and I wasn't putting my life on hold until I found them. Prior to working with Michelle I was sitting on the pity potty watching my friends and family find their "happily ever afters" and feeling generally like it wasn't going to happen to me. I should just label myself a spinster and buy a cat (I'm in my mid-30s and allergic to cats, so believe me I now see how ridiculous this was.) Through the modules, independent reading, and sessions with Michelle I was able to face situations that normally would have me feeling despondent and instead be happy for those around me and enjoying being part of their experience. It was such a relief and unburdening to no longer feel bitter that my loved ones had something that I didn't yet.
Now my current day to day and lifestyle mean that the most effective way for me to meet people is online dating. Some people find swiping extremely fun...I found it pretty intimidating. I never knew how to start a conversation and I didn't understand why guys that were "matching" with me weren't starting conversations either. I used to force myself to check my apps and swipe on some people before bed but would wind up forgetting to follow up and either missing out on potential matches or just leaving some people on read. Getting comfortable with dating apps was probably my largest hurdle to concur with Michelle, and believe me I put it off as long as I could. But one of the great things about Michelle is that she helped me revamp my profiles and approach looking at profiles on apps in a new light. There are still some days that I forget to check my apps, but no one is perfect. I now feel extremely comfortable reaching out to someone first on an app and saying more than "Hey what's up?". I'm finding aspects of men's profiles that catches my attention and I'm asking them about it. If they message me back, great! If they don't, that's okay too. Not every person is going to be my person.
On top of all the ways that working with Michelle changed my approach to dating and helped me realize things I likely already knew about myself but just never acknowledged, she is also just an all around amazing person! I could not have had a better hype woman who was so caring, thoughtful, and understanding who also challenged me to look internally and externally at things that might be (using her go to phrase) "sticky". I can't wait for the times when I can send her life updates and show her that our work is paying off and I always know that she'll be there if I need support in the future. I was referred by a friend and feel like I walked away with one, too.
Theresa, 34, Lawyer
"Michelle curated a loving, supportive, and enthusiastic container through Soul Level Love. Rooted in deep knowledge, our journey together was well-paced and naturally flowed. She very much honors the entirety of our emotions and situations, never judging us and always showing up for us. The work she does is crucial to healing generations of hurt and pain, transmuting us into women who prioritize our hearts and desires, magnetizing what is highest and best for us. I am deeply thankful for having walked that journey together and especially to the sisterhood I gained through it all."
- Ashley, 28, film editor
"The Love After Loss group was truly amazing for my head and heart! I felt so supported by both Michelle and Emily as well as our other widows & widowers in the group. Dating can be such a taboo subject [after a loss], which definitely doesn’t get discussed enough. There are SO many moving parts! The program made me feel heard, seen and relaxed during the difficult process of grieving my husband and actually caring about someone new and making a life together! I had so much to process in this group, and Michelle and Emily helped me explore ALL the feelings and normalized them! They helped me navigate my emotions as I personally moved into the next chapter in my new relationship! I felt more confident in doing so … while holding my loss close to me too. I can’t thank this program and the connection I felt with everyone enough💗! It was like a weekly virtual hug! For anyone thinking about a new love - relationship or just dating - this program is for you!!! I promise you will feel connected and supported during yet again another huge piece of life “we widows” navigate in our journey."
- Beth
Michelle is the best at what she does. I came into Soul Level Love so frustrated with dating and feeling really lost. After working through the program, I feel SO much more confident in myself, and I'm dating in ways that's best for ME and the type of man I'm looking for. Not only that, but Michelle's frameworks helped me understand my own childhood and the connection between my upbringing and who I was attracted to in the past. I really believe it's only a matter of time before I meet my person! If you're on the fence about Soul Level Love, I suggest you hop off and just do it!
- Elia, Founder of Feed Your Sister, 42
In a world where dating can feel very overwhelming, having the support of Michelle and like-minded women was incredibly healing for me and my dating journey. Michelle crafted a curriculum of topics that made SO much sense, and helped me understand my past patterns and shift my perspective of dating completely. What really stood out to me was the somatic work. Michelle brought EFT tapping to each session, and it was one of my favorite parts of the program. The energy work allowed us to reflect on the things we have just spoken about, but also leave the session in a more relaxed state and have a more positive attitude about dating. Michelle always talks about her work being for the kids, but I feel like my inner child has been healed, too. I HIGHLY recommend joining Soul Level Love 10/10 — you won’t regret it!
- Danielle, 34, School Counselor