Anchored Love
A 13 week group program for women who are ready to deepen their relationship with their partners as they go through major life transitions. Next cohort kicks off Spring of 2023.
With Michelle Mouhtis
Relationship Coach and Licensed Therapist

A healing container for women who are ready to feel secure in their relationship while they are going through transitions in their relationship.
Feel confident and in alignment with yourself and the relationship so that you feel comfortable envisioning and building a future with your beloved
Have your partner as an equal to you, and allowing yourself to rely on them without fear of relinquishing your independence
Lean into tough conversations and being able to navigate conflict together with ease and certainty.
Regularly share how you feel and have it be received by your partner as your new relationship norm.
Feel confident in how to express your needs, desires, and concerns to your partner, and they take action to do the same with you
Heighten pleasure, safety, and connection during intimacy

Anchored Love
Welcome to a space where the practicality of relationship science meets the magnetic power of energy psychology.
You’ll learn:
The science behind the qualities of happy long term relationships and why they work the way they do, and how to integrate them into your own unique relationship dynamic.
The practical research backed tools and feminine energetics of how to communicate your feelings, concerns, and desires in a safe way that feels in alignment for you. No cue cards from your therapist.
How to be conscious to your desires and ask your partner for them in a direct yet loving way, so there’s no beating around the bush communication styles.
The science behind how to move your attachment needle to secure for good.
And how to develop trust within yourself so you can embrace the relationship in front of you and leave fear behind.

But it doesn’t end at education, because awareness and revelations aren’t enough to make sustainable change last. I’ll also guide you through the process of how to embody the transformation:
How to use powerful mind body techniques like EFT tapping and breathwork to actually calibrate to the energy that you want to show up to in your relationship.
How to rewire your brain with ease and safety in order to release years of conditioned limiting beliefs and uncomfortable feelings holding you back from reveling in the joy that’s in front of you.
Feel a powerful internal shift within you that completely changes the way you show up in your relationship.
How to embrace your feelings and use them as a compass to guide you, and tune into your sacred intuition.

And I break it down into a three step process:
In order to move forward with the relationship you’re in and foster deeper levels of closeness, you need to clear the cobwebs of beliefs formed by past experiences - everything from your childhood upbringing to relationships from the past. These beliefs are often unconscious and showing up in your relationship in subtle ways, which is exactly why we will be working together. I’ll be able to help you bring the unconscious into your awareness and use the healing power of energy psychology to clear it on a mind, body, spirit, and energy system levels. You’ll be able to feel the energy shifts within you, and when that happens, it also shifts your entire relationship to a secure foundation
Once the cobwebs of the past are cleared and you’re having a whole new mindset and vibration, you’ll be able to calibrate to the energy that you want to embody in this relationship. I’ll teach you about how to receive from your partner, what makes healthy relationships thrive, and how to embrace this feeling into your relationship with ease.
This last phase is all about connecting with your partner in a new, exciting, and deeper way. You will slay shame around intimacy, feel safe to be vulnerable, have a more meaningful and deeper connection, and feel a tender affinity for your soul partner.

What's Included
These sessions will be part teaching and part healing, along with powerful exercises and deep conversations around a variety of relationship topics.
In between our sessions, you’ll have a healing space to connect with each other and me for more support through the voice messaging app, Voxer. Think of this as support in your back pocket, Monday through Friday!
Think of these audio recordings as my own podcast show that you can’t find anywhere else except inside this container. To supplement our calls, you’ll have access to a library of audio recordings on different lessons ranging from relationship science, feminine energetics, personal development, intimacy, sex, and more.
I bring in the best experts to help supplement the work we do in the container! Reiki, sound healing, masculine and feminine energies, and sex/intimacy are some of the possibilities.
You are in a committed, established relationship
You are ready to have a deeper connection to your partner, and you know that starts with you
You know this relationship can feel easy, you just want to stop standing in your own way
You are ready to take the next steps in your relationship, you just want to feel more aligned from within
You want to be a part of a high vibe group of women who are on the same conscious love journey as you are, and you are ready to receive and give support

This is for you if...
You are in a situationship or still in the “what are we” phase of dating
There are glaring red flags in your relationship, and you’re not sure if this is the one for you
You want your partner to put in most of the work to change, and think they are a majority of the problem
You’d rather sort your issues out in a 1:1 setting

This is NOT for you if...

Your relationship is the most secure place to be your true, most authentic self.
Feeling seen, heard, and understood by your partner as you navigate conflict hand in hand.
Breathing sighs of relief as you express how you feel and your partner holds loving space for you.
Feeling comfortable and confident to express your needs and desires, and be in alignment to receive them from your partner.
Shedding the shame around intimacy, and allowing yourself to embody all the pleasure that comes with leaning into receiving.
Feeling secure and revelling in the present moment with your love, enjoying everything from luxurious date nights to Netflix and PJ’s on the couch while feeling totally in flow.
Having your relationship be the easiest part of your life!