How to turn conflict into connection in your relationship

Disagree without fighting
Deeper connection through resolving conflict
Have more love, trust, and romance in your relationship

It’s NORMAL (and even healthy!) to have fights in your relationship. It’s not whether you fight or not, it’s all about HOW you fight.
…but WTF does that even mean?! How do you know if you are fighting right?
Maybe you and your partner keep having the same fight over and over again – thinking you’ve worked through it, but the same shit keeps popping up in different ways
Or maybe you avoid conflict at all costs, because you’re worried it’s going to turn into a blow out fight and ruin the streak of good days you’ve been having together
So it leaves you wondering: How the f*$% is conflict supposed to be good for a relationship?!
The truth is, it’s NOT what you are actually fighting about – it’s how you are fighting that causes the drift and resentment. And it’s not your fault that you don’t know about this – you learned about the pythagorean theorem and how to do-si-do in school instead of how to handle conflict in relationships
The good news is, communication can be worked on. And once you do, you’ll see how you and your partner moving through conflict can bring you closer together than you ever thought possible.
Maybe you and your partner keep having the same fight over and over again – thinking you’ve worked through it, but the same shit keeps popping up in different ways
Or maybe you avoid conflict at all costs, because you’re worried it’s going to turn into a blow out fight and ruin the streak of good days you’ve been having together
So it leaves you wondering: How the f*$% is conflict supposed to be good for a relationship?!
The truth is, it’s NOT what you are actually fighting about – it’s how you are fighting that causes the drift and resentment. And it’s not your fault that you don’t know about this – you learned about the pythagorean theorem and how to do-si-do in school instead of how to handle conflict in relationships
The good news is, communication can be worked on. And once you do, you’ll see how you and your partner moving through conflict can bring you closer together than you ever thought possible.
With Deeper, you’ll be able to actually talk about and work through your problems without the avoiding, yelling, or shutting down
Goodbye To...
🙅Sacrificing what you really want or need just to keep the peace in your relationship
🙅Waking up with a lump in your stomach realizing that you and your partner still aren’t good from your fight from last night
🙅Feeling worse after an argument, and feeling like nothing got done besides hurt feelings
🥳 Stay connected to each other, even through disagreement
🥳 Wake up in the morning the day after a disagreement smiling, because you and your partner have taken care of the issue from last night
🥳Feel confident that you and your partner can get through any problem that comes up
Instead, you’ll...
Say Goodbye To...
An online, self study course for couples to help use conflict to bring your connection to each other closer together than ever. This is my unique, research-backed formula complete with five modules filled with transformational content, audio lessons, worksheets, and EFT tapping videos to help you and your partner put into practice what you’re learning
Module One: How to Prevent Unnecessary Fights:
There are SO many fights couples have that didn’t even need to be a thing! You’ll learn all about my methodology on using “the filter” and how to tell if it’s an issue of the relationship or one of you personally
Module Two: The Three Types of Couples + How to Fight Right:
You don’t have to be a zen AF therapist in order to have a happy relationship and get through conflict with more ease. You can still be feisty or even lean toward avoidant and still be content in your relationship! You’ll learn about the three types of couples and their conflict style, what best fits you and your partner, and how to be happy with what works best for YOU!
Module Three: Communication During Conflict + How to Feel at Ease:
You had the check-in…now what? I’ll teach you how to connect to each other even deeper after an intense conversation, and what you can do after check-ins to feel even closer
Module Four: Solvable Versus Unsolvable Conflict + How to Be Happy with Both:
According to research, 69% (hehe) of conflict is not resolvable. WTF?! Believe it or not, you can both happily live with problems that will not likely have solutions. I’m going to teach you how to tell which of your problems are resolvable and not, what to do if they’re not, and how to be happy regardless.
Module Five: Connecting After Conflict:
In order to feel like conflict is bringing you closer together, you have to learn how to connect after a disagreement and come back together again. In this module, I’m going to help you learn how to make repairs in your relationship and figure out what works best for you as a couple using your love languages
Here is the five step process that will take you from frustrated and fighting to connected and loving
Here is the five step process that will take you from frustrated and fighting to connected and loving
Disagree without fighting
Deeper connection through resolving conflict
Have more love, trust, and romance in your relationship
You know the way you and your partner are handling conflict isn’t working, but you don’t know what to do to change it
You go into a disagreement feeling confident, but then somewhere it takes a turn and now both of your feelings are WAY hurt
Things ARE going well in your relationship and the way you handle disagreement, and you want to double down on what’s working to keep the momentum going
Is This You...?
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
Lifetime Access to Deeper and All Its Future Updates [$497]
Buy it once, have it forever – and you will have lifetime access to any updates I decide to do with the course in the future! (And trust me, I’m already full of ideas 😍)
5 Modules of Course Content [$997]
The course content includes audio lessons so you can listen on the go, EFT tapping videos, worksheets, conversation questions, homework, journal prompts, and more
You pay: $249
What's Included in Deeper?
How is Deeper different from therapy or other programs?
It’s not couples therapy, it’s a guided program. YES, I definitely bring my clinical background to the table throughout this course, as well as loads of research-backed methods – however, it’s different from couples therapy because it’s a more involved container in a shorter period of time, I get to support you in creative ways (like messaging you every day!), and make this content as tangible as possible. You’ll be hearing from me every day, you’ll consume practical content on your own, have self-led discussions as a couple, and when you get stuck, I’ll be able to answer your questions on a live call!
Oh, Hi! I’m a dually licensed, trauma informed therapist with over 10 years of experience. I LOVE coaching because it allows me to help couples in the most creative ways – like I’m doing with Deeper! But I still hold the integrity of being a professional with extensive therapy experience and over 10,000 hours of my life has been spent in sessions with clients.
I incorporate somatic energy work. In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to use EFT tapping and energy psychology modalities in addition to traditional talking methods. I believe (and more and more research shows!) 100% of the mind is connected to 100% of the body 100% of the time, so it makes sense to incorporate somatic healing and techniques to calm the nervous system.
What's Included in Deeper?
You know the way you and your partner are handling conflict isn’t working, but you don’t know what to do to change it
You go into a disagreement feeling confident, but then somewhere it takes a turn and now both of your feelings are WAY hurt
Things ARE going well in your relationship and the way you handle disagreement, and you want to double down on what’s working to keep the momentum going
Is This You...?
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
You know the way you and your partner are handling conflict isn’t working, but you don’t know what to do to change it
You go into a disagreement feeling confident, but then somewhere it takes a turn and now both of your feelings are WAY hurt
Things ARE going well in your relationship and the way you handle disagreement, and you want to double down on what’s working to keep the momentum going
Is This You...?
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
Deeper will give you and your partner the tools to ditch fighting and start talking about your problems (and actually come to an agreement on them!) so you can argue less and love on each other more at the end of the five week course.
How do I know if this course is for me?This course is for anyone who falls on the spectrum between the second the break up happened and feeling curious about dating again. You get to pick up wherever you are!
Does it matter how long I was with my ex?No! Time is not a reflection of how painful a break up is. This course will be relevant for anyone who is struggling through the ending of a relationship, no matter how long it lasted
About how long will this course take?It’s completely self paced! You’ll receive all the modules at once, so you can start exactly where you are and take as long as you’d like. Michelle recommends spending about 1-2 weeks on each module.
What makes this course different from other break up courses?This course is so unique – I’ve combined my clinical background as a therapist, break up research, best coaching practices, and my own personal break up experiences to create this course. I also feel so strongly about having mind/body somatic techniques interwoven throughout the course, because research has shown over and over that our experiences, feelings, and emotions are stored in our body – so it makes sense that if you’ve tried talk therapy, reading books, listening to podcasts, and journaling and you’re STILL feeling stuck! It’s because the break up needs to be released on an energetic and body based level, which I guide you through in this course!
What exactly is EFT Tapping/Energy Psychology?Energy psychology is an umbrella term for healing the mind through body based practices. EFT Tapping (aka Emotional Freedom Technique) works on the same system as acupuncture – but instead of placing a needle in the acupressure points, you will gently tap on them in order to help rewire the brain and allow for cognitive shifts to happen faster and easier. Michelle has easy to follow along videos as a part of this course

Think about this…
What if I told you that not only can you and your partner transform conflict into connection in your relationship, but with the right tools, you and your partner can be connecting on a level you didn’t know was possible in five weeks?
More laughs until your belly hurts.
More hugs from behind and kisses on your cheek while washing the dishes.
More fun.
And so much more love between the two of you.
What if I told you that being able to transform conflict into connection can build more bricks of trust in the foundation of your relationship, and allow you to feel even more secure within your partner and yourself?
And that doing this work with your partner will not only transform your relationship, but allow future generations of children to come (whether you have or want children of your own or not!) to witness a home where two people can disagree, but still fiercely love each other – without yelling, screaming, name calling, or hurt feelings beyond repair.
Are you ready to feel an even deeper connection to your partner – in ways beyond imagination?
What if I told you that not only can you and your partner transform conflict into connection in your relationship, but with the right tools, you and your partner can be connecting on a level you didn’t know was possible in five weeks?
More laughs until your belly hurts.
More hugs from behind and kisses on your cheek while washing the dishes.
More fun.
And so much more love between the two of you.
What if I told you that being able to transform conflict into connection can build more bricks of trust in the foundation of your relationship, and allow you to feel even more secure within your partner and yourself?
And that doing this work with your partner will not only transform your relationship, but allow future generations of children to come (whether you have or want children of your own or not!) to witness a home where two people can disagree, but still fiercely love each other – without yelling, screaming, name calling, or hurt feelings beyond repair.
Are you ready to feel an even deeper connection to your partner – in ways beyond imagination?
What's Included in Deeper?
[01] Lifetime Access to Deeper and All Its Future Updates [$497]
Buy it once, have it forever – and you will have lifetime access to any updates I decide to do with the course in the future! (And trust me, I’m already full of ideas 😍)
[02] 5 Modules of Course Content over Five Weeks [$997]
The course content includes audio lessons so you can listen on the go, EFT tapping videos, worksheets, conversation questions, homework, journal prompts, and more
[03] Two 90 Minute LIVE Q+A Sessions with Michelle [$850]
Ask me anything! I’ll be answering your questions and giving couples live coaching two times throughout the program to help you move through wherever you’re feeling stuck!
[04] Daily Text, Voice, and Video Messages [$697]
Every weekday you’ll hear your phone buzzing with a message from me! I’ll be sending you quick texts, supplemental videos, reminders, fun + sexy homework, TLDR summaries of the course content, and holding you and your partner accountable throughout the program
[05] Surprise BONUSES TBA during the program! [$997]
A bonus module, bonus calls, and extra EFT videos are all in your future…I love to surprise you and overdeliver!
Price per Couple: $497 $107
*48 Hour Flash Sale Ends End of Day 6/30/23*
Since this is the first cohort of this course, I’m offering a significantly lower investment. After this cohort enrolls, Deeper will be strictly an online course with no live coaching component, and the price will more than triple.
How is Deeper different from therapy or other programs?
It’s not couples therapy, it’s a guided program. YES, I definitely bring my clinical background to the table throughout this course, as well as loads of research-backed methods – however, it’s different from couples therapy because it’s a more involved container in a shorter period of time, I get to support you in creative ways (like messaging you every day!), and make this content as tangible as possible. You’ll be hearing from me every day, you’ll consume practical content on your own, have self-led discussions as a couple, and when you get stuck, I’ll be able to answer your questions on a live call!
Oh, Hi! I’m a dually licensed, trauma informed therapist with over 10 years of experience. I LOVE coaching because it allows me to help couples in the most creative ways – like I’m doing with Deeper! But I still hold the integrity of being a professional with extensive therapy experience and over 10,000 hours of my life has been spent in sessions with clients.
I incorporate somatic energy work. In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to use EFT tapping and energy psychology modalities in addition to traditional talking methods. I believe (and more and more research shows!) 100% of the mind is connected to 100% of the body 100% of the time, so it makes sense to incorporate somatic healing and techniques to calm the nervous system.
It’s not couples therapy, it’s a guided program. YES, I definitely bring my clinical background to the table throughout this course, as well as loads of research-backed methods – however, it’s different from couples therapy because it’s a more involved container in a shorter period of time, I get to support you in creative ways (like messaging you every day!), and make this content as tangible as possible. You’ll be hearing from me every day, you’ll consume practical content on your own, have self-led discussions as a couple, and when you get stuck, I’ll be able to answer your questions on a live call!
Oh, Hi! I’m a dually licensed, trauma informed therapist with over 10 years of experience. I LOVE coaching because it allows me to help couples in the most creative ways – like I’m doing with Deeper! But I still hold the integrity of being a professional with extensive therapy experience and over 10,000 hours of my life has been spent in sessions with clients.
I incorporate somatic energy work. In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to use EFT tapping and energy psychology modalities in addition to traditional talking methods. I believe (and more and more research shows!) 100% of the mind is connected to 100% of the body 100% of the time, so it makes sense to incorporate somatic healing and techniques to calm the nervous system.
How is Deeper different from therapy or other programs?
What's Included in Deeper?
Lifetime Access to Deeper and All Its Future Updates [$497]
Buy it once, have it forever – and you will have lifetime access to any updates I decide to do with the course in the future! (And trust me, I’m already full of ideas 😍)
5 Modules of Course Content [$997]
The course content includes audio lessons so you can listen on the go, EFT tapping videos, worksheets, conversation questions, homework, journal prompts, and more
You pay: $249